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  • himanshudongre 10 years ago + 2 comments

    The description of the problem states that the 1st part of the output should be (VMPLACEDBEGIN/VMPLACEDEND) and second should be (VMNOPLACEDBEGIN/VMNOPLACEDEND).However in all the examples we can only see (VMNOPLACEDBEGIN/VMNOPLACEDEND) and not (VMPLACEDBEGIN/VMPLACEDEND).e.g-In the first example I see that vm1 and vm2 were placed in host,but output does not show any (VMPLACEDBEGIN/VMPLACEDEND).It just shows that vm3 was not placed.Can someone explain this?

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    • JageenShukla 10 years ago + 1 comment

      For the outout related question my guess is as below,
      there are two host

      and three vms
      BUT flow of starting vm are vm1,vm3,vm2
      So, first vm1 will take host1 (having 5 cpu and 100 memory) so remaning resources are

      NOW, vm3 is ON but there is no host with 1 CPU and 80 memory so it will not fit
      Then vm2 is ON and there is host1 with 4 cpu and 50 memory so it will ho with host1,
      This way vm1 and vm2 will schedule but vm3 will not

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      • 79man 10 years ago + 1 comment

        For three VMs:
        and 2 hosts:

        I think all three can be placed, as shown below:-
        1. vm1 ON : place it on host2
          remaining resources are:-
        2. vm3 ON : place it on host 1
          remaining resources are:-
        3. vm2 ON : place it on host 1
          remaining resources are:-

        Isn't this right? What am I missing?
        I mean is there a rule that one host can only run one VM at a time?

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        • DeadCereal 10 years ago + 0 comments

          You are correct, however for Problem 1, VMotion is set to off. So Each VM will be placed into the first Host that can fit it. VM1 will go on host 1, VM 3 won't be able to find anywhere to fit so it won't be placed, then VM 2 will be placed on host 2. For the other 2 scenarios, VMotion is turned on, so the cluster should load balance and all VMs should be placed.

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      • mickeyvn 10 years ago + 1 comment

        Just print out the unplaced VMs.

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        • hacker_9kk2z7t1 10 years ago + 0 comments

          Well this is not clear from the problem statement: "The first part of the file (VMPLACEDBEGIN/VMPLACEDEND) will be the name of the VM and the host it was placed on. The second part of the file (VMNOPLACEDBEGIN/VMNOPLACEDEND) will be the names of the VM's that you could not place."

          There is a mention of 2 parts of the output file, while all the samples seem to mention only the second part.

          The wording got me very confused.

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      • kostadis 10 years ago + 0 comments

        FOLKS it was FUN! Signing off! Ask questions And I will respond!

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        • kostadis 10 years ago + 1 comment

          Writign code with people watching is hard :-)

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          • green_car 10 years ago + 0 comments

            If it has a chat window, it will be good. I was trying point out a syntax error. Now you corrected it :)

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          • kostadis 10 years ago + 3 comments

            Hey folks,

            Just wanted to tell u all that I got injured and will do live solution next week. I am doing fine but can't really code for a week :(

            Sorry for the delay but life happened. i will try to answer questions

            You can find out more:


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            • mickeyvn 10 years ago + 0 comments

              Get well soon and post more challenges when you come back :)

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              • ashish_nautiyal 10 years ago + 0 comments

                Hope you get well soon :)

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                • Rashmi_Margani 10 years ago + 0 comments

                  Get well soon sir.................

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                • sitangud 10 years ago + 1 comment

                  could you give us an overview of more complex load balancing algorithms used in practice :)?

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                  • kostadis 10 years ago + 1 comment

                    Turns out that they all pretty simple :-) The trick is how much state do you have to look at before making a decision.

                    The problem with my solution is that I basically recomputed everything every time. A more realistic algorithm implementation would try to avoid that that.

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                    • kostadis 10 years ago + 1 comment

                      Also it depends on how frequently you want to run. The more frequently you need to run, the simpler the algorithm. The more complex the less frequently.

                      Things you would consider to add complexity is history and prediction.

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                      • kostadis 10 years ago + 0 comments

                        What makes VMWare' DRS really complex is that I assumed all CPU the same, and no rules about where VM's get placed.

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