Codeskill 1

Practice makes a man perfect

Feb 27 2018, 08:30 am UTC to Feb 27 2018, 09:30 am UTC
The contest has ended. Enter to solve the archived challenges.


This is a programming event conducted by Computer Science Department of Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences in pursuit of starting a new culture of sport programming.

We intend to create a culture where coding is more of a mind sport and after every green tick the Coder in you gets bigger, wittier and hungrier.

You can take virtual tour of our college here


  • Top Non-Karunyan will be awarded with a prize
  • Top karunyans will be called for onsite competation after the event for finals
  • To be eligible to win a prize please fill up this form here It is must for all karunyan to fill up this form


  • The creator of this contest is solely responsible for setting and communicating the eligibility requirements associated with prizes awarded to participants, as well as for procurement and distribution of all prizes. The contest creator holds HackerRank harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, awards, settlements, orders, or fines.
  • Code directly from our platform, which supports over 30 languages. Learn more here.
  • There would be 7 questions
  • Avoid plagarisim
  • Discussion tab can be used only for asking queries ,no sharing of codes is entertained

Not following these rules may elimanate you from the event

This is our first contest as problem setters so any glitch in question may be reported via discussions tab


  • Each challenge has a pre-determined score.
  • A participant’s score depends on the number of test cases a participant’s code submission successfully passes.
  • If a participant submits more than one solution per challenge, then the participant’s score will reflect the highest score achieved. In a game challenge, the participant's score will reflect the last code submission.
  • Participants are ranked by score. If two or more participants achieve the same score, then the tie is broken by the total time taken to submit the last solution resulting in a higher score

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