Shaka and his brother have created a boring game which is played like this:
They take a word composed of lowercase English letters and try to get the maximum possible score by building exactly 2 palindromic subsequences. The score obtained is the product of the length of these 2 subsequences.
Let's say and are two subsequences from the initial string. If & are the smallest and the largest positions (from the initial word) respectively in ; and & are the smallest and the largest positions (from the initial word) respectively in , then the following statements hold true:
, &
i.e., the positions of the subsequences should not cross over each other.
Hence the score obtained is the product of lengths of subsequences & . Such subsequences can be numerous for a larger initial word, and hence it becomes harder to find out the maximum possible score. Can you help Shaka and his brother find this out?
Input Format
Input contains a word composed of lowercase English letters in a single line.
each character will be a lower case english alphabet.
Output Format
Output the maximum score the boys can get from .
Sample Input
Sample Output
A possible optimal solution is eee-g-ee-ksfor-skeeggeeks being eeeee the one subsequence and skeeggeeks the other one. We can also select eegee in place of eeeee, as both have the same length.