Stock Predictions
gruberator 9 years ago If you do nothing for entire game you will get 23.03 points :)
walross 9 years ago That's a great way to learn!
SemperPeritus 8 years ago That's a great way to get badge!
stbrumme 8 years ago That's actually a valid strategy at the stock market. Even Isaac Newton lost the equivalent of 3 million dollars when he invested in the "South Sea Company".
shackman_justin 5 years ago That stock dropped faster than gravity!
michaelpears 5 years ago That’s true, he lost a lot of money. But those were different times, many things have changed since then. Who knew that in the 21st century Forex and other trading stock markets will be popular and many people will be doing it. Of course, not everybody can do it. It’s not that easy, you know. But if you make the right choices and use only the Best Forex Trading Platforms, then everything should be alright. That applies especially for beginners, who don’t really know what’s what in this trading field. And they could use some help and guidance in choosing the right strategies if they don’t want to make any mistakes.
swapniel99 4 years ago @stbrumme Intelligent Investor? :)
[deleted] 8 years ago It's not working for me...?? If I submit the code without any print statements, I get "you lost the game" with no points. What I am doing wrong?
shriyan 8 years ago I think you still have to put "0" to show that you're not making any transictions.
schiebermc 7 years ago You should be embarassed.
mmdebrahimi 3 years ago urmmm why don't they mention what the input dataframe is called... are we suppose to iterate over the stdin to get access to data? that seems annoying
Fandekasp 8 years ago Is it only me, or the difficulty of this challenge isn't so easy? Surprised that it only gives 10pts.
schiebermc 7 years ago Haha yeah I think this one is erroneously marked..
waszak 6 years ago [deleted]
sumitsr_it 4 years ago anybody share the submission code?
robert_paul6 3 years ago Editorial section is broken / blank. wss fails to connect, 404s.
mudit_singh91 7 years ago even after submitting and winning all cases my score in the leaderboard is coming zero
bekroogle 7 years ago Same here.
It shows that I won and got almost 60 points, but in the leaderboard, it shows I got zero. And it hasn't applied to the 5 points I need in Statistics and Machine Learning to get my AI badge. =/
sumitsr_it 4 years ago can you share submitted code?
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