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string isValid(string s) {
int c=0; vector<int>vec; unordered_map<char , int>mp; for(int i=0;s[i];i++){ if(mp.find(s[i]) == mp.end()) mp.insert({s[i],1}); else mp[s[i]]++; } for(auto it:mp){ vec.push_back(it.second); } int l=vec[1]; for(int x:vec){ if(x==l) continue; else if(x>l||x<l){ c++; continue; } else return "NO";
} } if(c>1 return "NO"; else return "YES";
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Sherlock and the Valid String
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string isValid(string s) {
} } if(c>1 return "NO"; else return "YES";