An AVL tree (Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Landis' tree, named after the inventors) is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; if at any time they differ by more than one, rebalancing is done to restore this property.
We define balance factor for each node as :
balanceFactor = height(left subtree) - height(right subtree)
The balance factor of any node of an AVL tree is in the integer range [-1,+1]. If after any modification in the tree, the balance factor becomes less than −1 or greater than +1, the subtree rooted at this node is unbalanced, and a rotation is needed.
You are given a pointer to the root of an AVL tree. You need to insert a value into this tree and perform the necessary rotations to ensure that it remains balanced.
Input Format
You are given a function,
node *insert(node * root,int new_val)
'node' is defined as :
struct node
int val; //value
struct node* left; //left child
struct node* right; //right child
int ht; //height of the node
} node;
You only need to complete the function.
Note: All the values in the tree will be distinct. Height of a Null node is -1 and the height of the leaf node is 0.
Output Format
Insert the new value into the tree and return a pointer to the root of the tree. Ensure that the tree remains balanced.
Sample Input
/ \
2 4
The value to be inserted is 6.
Sample Output
/ \
2 5
/ \
4 6
After inserting 6 in the tree. the tree becomes:
3 (Balance Factor = -2)
/ \
2 4 (Balance Factor = -2)
5 (Balance Factor = -1)
6 (Balance Factor = 0)
Balance Factor of nodes 3 and 4 is no longer in the range [-1,1]. We need to perform a rotation to balance the tree. This is the right right case. We perform a single rotation to balance the tree.
After performing the rotation, the tree becomes :
3 (Balance Factor = -1)
/ \
(Balance Factor = 0) 2 5 (Balance Factor = 0)
/ \
(Balance Factor = 0)4 6 (Balance Factor = 0)