You have two arrays of integers, and , where both have number of elements. Consider the following function:
score = 0
int Go(step, energy) {
if (step == N) {
score += V[step];
return (score);
else {
int way = random(1, 2);
if (way == 1) {
score += V[step];
else {
energy = P[step];
if (energy > 0) {
Go(step + 1, energy - 1);
else {
What is the maximum possible value of score that we can get in the end, if we call ?.
Note that the function should never invoke KillTheWorld function. And generates a random integer from set [1, 2].
It is guaranteed there will be a solution that wont kill the world.
Input Format
The first line contains an integer N. Each of the following N lines contains a pair of integers. The i-th line contains a pair of numbers, , separated by space.
Output Format
Derive the maximum score given by return (score);
Sample Input
4 2
0 2
4 0
3 4
Sample Output
In the best case, the first and second function call in Go variable will take value 2, while in the other calls it will be equal to 1 then the final score will be equal to the value of 7.