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My answer with Typescript, idea & explain includes.
functionminimumBribes(q:number[]):void{/** * Idea: Reverse thinking, complete the numbers behind first, count the number * of permutations of the argument. */// 0. fn that swap number in arrayconstswap=(s:number[],i:number)=>{[s[i],s[i+1]]=[s[i+1],s[i]]}// 1. create fresh new array to be start, a hash to couting swapedlets=Array(q.length).fill(0).map((_,i)=>i+1)letswap_count=newMap<number,number>()// 2. loop [q], find and swap to complete right side to left side, counting too.mainloop:for(letqi=q.length-1;qi>=0;qi--){while(true){letsi=s.indexOf(q[qi])if(si<qi){letswap_num=s[si+1]swap(s,si)swap_count.set(swap_num,(swap_count.get(swap_num)||0)+1)continue}break;}}// 3. calc swaping is chaos or notletcounts=Array.from(swap_count.values())letchaos=counts.some(e=>e>2)letsum=counts.reduce((p,v)=>p+v,0)if(chaos)console.log('Toochaotic')elseconsole.log(sum)}
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My answer with Typescript, idea & explain includes.