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81 Discussions



    Main points to take care about are: 1) calculate total number of combination per row using dynamic programming 2) inclusion/exclusion concept by splitting the wall on 2 parts - use dynamic programming for better performance 3) Fast/binary exponentiation by squaring the base and halving the exponent

    Java code

    public static long[] combinations;
        public static long modulo = 1000000007;
        private static long [] totals;
        private static long [] goods;
        private static long [] bads;
        public static int legoBlocks(int n, int m) {
            totals = new long[m+1];
            goods = new long[m+1];
            bads = new long[m+1];
            totals[0] = totals[1] = goods[0] = goods[1] = 1L;
            combinations = new long[m+1];
            long good = calculateGood(n,m);
            return (int) (good%modulo);
        public static Long calculateGood(int n, int m) {
            if(goods[m]!=0) {
                return goods[m];
            Long total = calculateTotal(n,m);
            Long bad = calculateBad(n,m);
            Long good = (total - bad)%modulo;
            goods[m] = good;
            return goods[m];
        private static Long calculateBad(int n, int m) {
                return bads[m];
            Long totalBad = 0L;
            for(int i =1; i< m;i++) {            
                Long currentBad = (calculateGood(n, i)*calculateTotal(n, m-i))%modulo;
            return totalBad;
        private static Long calculateTotal(int n, int m){
                return totals[m];
            Long perRow = calculateCombinationsPerRow(m);
            long total = modPow(perRow, n);
            totals[m] = total%modulo;
            return totals[m];
        private static long modPow(long base, int exponent) {
            long result = 1L;
            base = base % modulo;
            while (exponent > 0) {
                if (exponent%2 == 1) {
                    result = (result * base) % modulo;
                base = (base * base) % modulo;
                exponent /=2;
            return result;
        private static Long calculateCombinationsPerRow(int width){
                return combinations[width];
            long total = 0L;
                total += calculateCombinationsPerRow(width-4);
                total += calculateCombinationsPerRow(width -3);
                total += calculateCombinationsPerRow(width -2);
                total += calculateCombinationsPerRow(width -1);
            combinations[width] = total%modulo;
            return combinations[width];

    Anyone know how I can improve my score (83.33) to 100.00. I've done all the optimisations I could think of..

    class Result {

     * Complete the 'legoBlocks' function below.
     * The function is expected to return an INTEGER.
     * The function accepts following parameters:
     *  1. INTEGER n (width)
     *  2. INTEGER m (height)
    // Cache previous C(n,m) calculations - All Combinations to build a wall with Brick sizes [1,4]
    // Cache previous N(n,m) calculations - All Combinations to build a legitimate wall with no breaks
    public static Map<String, BigInteger> C_n_m = new HashMap<>();
    public static Map<String, BigInteger> N_n_m = new HashMap<>();
    public static BigInteger modulo = BigInteger.valueOf(1_000_000_007);
    public static BigInteger noBreakWalls(int n, int m) {
        String key = n + "," + m;
        if (N_n_m.containsKey(key)) return N_n_m.get(key);
        BigInteger sum = buildAnyWall(n, m);
        for (int i=1; i < n ; i++) {
            sum = sum.subtract(buildAnyWall(n-i, m).multiply(noBreakWalls(i, m))); 
        sum = sum.mod(modulo);
        N_n_m.put(key, sum);
        return sum;
    public static BigInteger buildAnyWall(int n, int m) {
        String key = n + "," + m;
        if (C_n_m.containsKey(key)) return C_n_m.get(key);
        if (n < 5) {
            BigInteger basecase = BigInteger.valueOf(2).modPow(BigInteger.valueOf(m*(n-1)), modulo);
            C_n_m.put(key, basecase);
            return basecase;
        } else {
            BigInteger row = buildAnyWall(n-1, 1)
                                .add(buildAnyWall(n-2, 1))
                                    .add(buildAnyWall(n-3, 1))
                                        .add(buildAnyWall(n-4, 1))
                                            .modPow(BigInteger.valueOf(m), modulo);
            C_n_m.put(key, row);
            return row;
    public static int legoBlocks(int n, int m) {
        return noBreakWalls(n, m).intValue();



    this question would be Hard Level in Leetcode

  • + 1 comment

    One of the dumbest question I have ever seen. This is mathematical problem not algorithm or data structure.

  • + 1 comment


    Is this a valid wall? There are 2 rows with the same breaks but the total break doesnt reach the full height.