N Puzzle
Fandekasp 8 years ago -
tiberiu_iancu 7 years ago I used this formula but with or without sqrt(nb_misplaced) I still miss test 5
phychessics 4 years ago I have the same problem. All the test cases have passed except the Game 5. I do not know why. (Game number changes but always one case fails.)
schiebermc 7 years ago Is h(s) = (manhattan_dist + sqrt(nb_misplaced)) admissable??? I don't think adding the sqrt(nb_misplaced) is necessary, or even efficacious past the constrainted tests we have.
After comparing different heuristics, I found that the best performance was given by this cost function
: length of path taken until current statemanhattan_dist
: distance between each cell's position versus end position.nb_misplaced
: number of tiles incorrectly placedSolved in 20 moves after finding 667 states and navigating through 396 of them.
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