Jaggu is a little kid and he likes playing with water balloons. He took 1 million ( 106 ) empty buckets and he filled the bucket with water balloons under the instruction of his sister Ishika.
His sister gives him two types of commands:
R pos1 pos2
which implies that jaggu needs to tell her what is the total number of water balloons in the bucket from pos1 to pos2 (both included).
U pos M plus
which implies that he has to work like the function
void Update(int pos,int M,int plus)
int N=1000000; //1 million
for (int i=1;i<=50;i++)
int back = pos
for(int j=1;j<=1000;j++)
add M water ballons at bucket pos
int s,in=__builtin_popcount(pos);
for(int k=0;;k++)
if( __builtin_popcount(s) <= in )
in = __builtin_popcount(s)
pos = s;
if(pos>N) break;
add M water ballons at bucket pos
pos = pos - N
pos = back+plus;
if(pos>N) pos-=N;
Jaggu is too lazy to put the water ballons in the bucket. Afraid that he might be caught for not doing what his sister told him to do so, he asks your help to provide correct answers for each of his sister's query. .
Input Format
First line contains Q, number of queries to follow.
Next Q line follows , which can be either an Update Query or Report Query.Each Update Query is followed by atleast 1 report query.
Output Format
For each report query , output the answer in a separate line.
1 ≤ Q ≤ 2 * 105
1 ≤ pos1,pos2,pos ≤ 106
pos1 ≤ pos2
1 ≤ M ≤ 10
1 ≤ plus ≤ 999999
Sample Input
U 692778 7 291188
R 636916 747794
Sample Output
Follow the code above to get the answer.
Input is randomly generated.
__builtin_popcount(x) gives the number of set bits in binary representation of x.
pow(2,k) denotes 2 raised to k , i.e. exponentiation of 2.
Timelimit is 3 times the timelimit mentioned here