Imagine you have a rooted tree consisting of vertices. Consider the following function:
int order[n]; // initially consists of -1
int pointer = 0;
void dfs(int vertex, int depth) {
order[pointer] = depth;
for each child of vertex
dfs(child, depth + 1);
In the end this function produces an array . We will call an array suitable if and only if it can be produced as a result of running on a rooted tree with vertices.
You are given an array , whose elements are either question signs or integer numbers. How many suitable arrays can you get, if you are allowed to replace any question sign with non-negative integer number? Print this number modulo .
Input Format
The first line contains a single integer , that is the size of array . The next line contains elements of the array: . Each element is either a question sign, or a non-negative integer number which doesn't exceed .
Output Format
Print a single integer the number of suitable arrays you can get modulo .
Sample Input #0
? ? ?
Sample Output #0
Sample Input #1
1 ?
Sample Output #1
Sample Input #2
0 ? 1 ?
Sample Output #2
In sample#0 there are two possible arrays: [0, 1, 2] and [0, 1, 1];
In sample#1 there cannot be any suitable arrays, because each of them starts with 0.