String is called a Super String if and only if:
- contains only letters ;
- For any and , has lower ascii code than , where
Given a set of Super Strings , a Hyper String is a string that can be constructed by concatenation of some Super Strings of the set . We can use each Super String as many times as we want.
Given set , you have to compute the number of Hyper Strings with length no greater than .
Input Format
The first line of input contains two integers, (the number of Super Strings in ) and . The next lines describe the Super Strings in set .
and are not greater than .
Output Format
Output an integer which is the number of possible Hyper Strings that can be derived. Since it may not fit in bit integer, print the output module . (i.e. answer = answer % )
Sample Input
2 3
Sample Output
In the example all the Hyper Strings are : "" (empty string), "", "", "", "", "", and "".