Increasing popularity of hackerrank can be seen in tweets like
- I love #hackerrank
- I just scored 27 points in the Picking Cards challenge on #HackerRank
- I just signed up for summer cup @hackerrank
Given a set of most popular tweets, your task is to find out how many of those tweets has the string hackerrank in it.
Input Format
First line is an integer N. N lines follow. Each line is a valid tweet.
1 <= N <= 10
Each character of the tweet is a valid ASCII character.
Output format
Print the total number of tweets that has hackerrank (case insensitive) in it
Sample Input
I love #hackerrank
I just scored 27 points in the Picking Cards challenge on #HackerRank
I just signed up for summer cup @hackerrank
interesting talk by hari, co-founder of hackerrank
Sample Output
All the 4 lines have the string hackerrank in them and thus 4.
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