Print "Hello World" amount of times. The input portion will be handled automatically. You need to write a function with the recommended method signature.
Input Format
A single line of input containing integer , the number of times to print "Hello World".
Output Format
Output lines, each containing "Hello World".
Sample Input
Sample Output
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Recommended Method Signature
Number Of Parameters: 1 Parameters: [n] Returns: nil
For Hackers Using Clojure
This will be the outline of your function body (fill up the blank portion marked by underscores):
For Hackers Using Scala
This will be the outline of your function body (fill up the blank portion marked by underscores):
def f(n: Int) = ______________________
For Hackers Using Haskell
This will be the outline of your function body (fill up the blank portion marked by underscores):
hello_worlds n = ______________________
For Hackers Using other Languages
You have to read input from standard input and write output to standard output. Please follow the input/output format mentioned above.
NOTE: You only need to submit the code above, after filling in the blanks appropriately. The input and output section will be handled by us. The focus is on writing the correct function.