Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci Numbers are

Fibonacci numbers are generated using the following recurrence relation

It is interesting to note that the Fibonacci number grows so fast that exceeds the 32-bit signed integer range.

The fastest way to accurately compute Fibonacci numbers is by using a matrix-exponentiation method.

We need to calculate to calculate the Nth fibonacci number. We can calculate it in using fast exponentiation.

Simple Recursive Solution

        return 0
    if (n=1)
        return 1
    return (fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2))

Time complexity:

Optimization using Dynamic Programming

There are only n overlapping subproblems which can be stored to reduce the time complexity to

//Initialize all elements in dp to -1
        return dp[n]
    else if (n=1)
    return dp[n]

Time Complexity =
Space Complexity =

Using Matrix Exponentiation

//Calculating A^p in O(log(P))
Matrix_pow ( Matrix A,int p )
        return A
        return A*Matrix_pow(A,p-1)  

    Matrix B = Matrix_pow(a,p/2);
    return B * B

        return 0;
        return 1;
    Matrix M[2][2]={{1,1},{1,0}}
    Matrix res=matrix_pow(M,n-1);
    return res[0][0];

Time Complexity =

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