You are given a regular N-gon with vertices at (cos(2πi / N), sin(2πi / N)), ∀ i ∈ [0,N-1]. Some of these vertices are blocked and all others are unblocked. We consider triangles with vertices at the vertices of N-gon and with at least one vertex at unblocked point. Can you find how many pairs of such triangles have equal area?
Input Format
The first line of input contains single integer T - number of testcases. 2T lines follow.
Each testcase has two lines.
The first line of testcase contains a single integer N - the number of vertices in N-gon. The second line contains string S with length N. If S[j] equals '1' it means that the vertex (cos(2πj / N), sin(2πj / N)) is unblocked, and if S[j] equals '0' it means that the vertex (cos(2πj / N), sin(2πj / N)) is blocked.
Output Format
For each testcase output single line with an answer.
1 <= T <= 100
3 <= N <= 104
There will be no more than 50 blocked vertices in each of the testcase.
Sample Input
Sample Output
The testcase given is a square and there are 4 triangles that have the same area. So, the number of pairs are 4C2 = 6.