BotClean Partially Observable
0pointr 9 years ago Some hint to why a bot lost a game would be very helpful. It could be a wrong move or a out of move. It's difficult to debug otherwise.
zizka 8 years ago Lost battle means you made an invalid move or printed an invalid output. Like, CLEAN on a clean cell.
johnwatson23 3 years ago I can present my code over a private message, however I'd prefer not to present the code in the conversations as I feel that'd be impolite to the test.Must Visit Wholesale pet supplies manufacturers.
pauladam896 4 months ago your websitekinemaster without watermark
tayyabtariq198 4 months ago An invisible text is nothing but a blank white space. These characters are normally used to represent blank space and to send an empty message.
moonpine1016 6 years ago Wtf! Saving memory of current board and reload it in next turn is allowed? I think that can be some kind of cheating...
anilmandra 8 years ago Hello Moderators, I am gettin I/O error on filesave. Is that feature disabled?
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/game-player1-Eiu1FGaHXQARtVakCe3N/", line 111, in <module> update_board(board) File "/game-player1-Eiu1FGaHXQARtVakCe3N/", line 14, in update_board with open('boardfile.txt','w') as output: IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'boardfile.txt'
RepliCat 8 years ago I am getting the same error as well. I am fairly new to python programming so I don't know if I am doing anything wrong or are there any way to bypass this, but from what I understand we simply do not have the permission to write to any file in this enviroment, be it intentional or not.
lu_pe 8 years ago I get the same error on all problems (not only on this one). Even on problems where it is expressly stated that we should create a file to store information!
anilmandra 8 years ago I am suspecting HR removed file access to make problems more fun. HR moderators, can you comment please?
BenK10 10 years ago Can we write to the grid to remember discovered cells? Suppose there are dirty cells to the bot's diagonal up right and diagonal down right. When it moves to clean one, it will lose sight of the other since it can only see its adjacent cells. So it would be good to remember the cell it lost sight of.
dheeraj 10 years ago you can write to a file in your code's current directory which marks the location of dirty cells and read it in subsequent execution.
samueldelesque 9 years ago It would be great if you could at least set global variables... (or if it said in the summary you can't use them).
DraigRygbi 9 years ago Is it possible to do this in Javascript?
walross 9 years ago Have you even tried it?
dima_prokopenko 8 years ago That would be usefull if this was mentioned in problem descripion. Otherwise having static fields (in java) expect result will be persisted, - but it is not since for every execution class seems to get reloaded etc... Please mention it is possible to write to local fs to persist something. Thank you.
diegoguemes 9 years ago I thought that randomizing to prevent going to an infinite loop would be enough, but it seems you cannot get away of saving state in a file.
NashBean 9 years ago I did not save state to file, but did not get best score. I swept the room in a clock wise motion. moves are below. Am I alowed to show a link to my solution? If not will take it down.
[deleted] 9 years ago I tried this, but it isn't the smartest way to go about it.
zizka 8 years ago Same here, got 28.8. Good enough for me ;)
legallthib 6 years ago This challenge makes me very sad, I succeccfully cleaned the 4 grids with three different algorithms with no I/O and the highest score I have (27.56) is with the dumbest algorithm. One that would not score high on a big grid or with tricky cases. It obviously means that the grids are small.
In addition, I read that best solutions use I/O which makes the problem so much less challenging in my opinion. This, added to some people saying that we always start at the top right corner make the challenge so much more simple.
I'll implement an I/O solution with regrets.
gdguglie 3 years ago I'm curious on your 3 approaches, can you at least share the 3 ideas behind them?
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