Bahadir Tasdemir



Software Engineer


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Remote Full-Stack Senior Software Engineer•  June 2020 - Present is an AI company that analyzes customer data and detects anomalies in real-time, trusted by the world’s most innovative businesses. I work full-time remotely. Tech stack includes Java 14, Spring Boot, AI, Data Mining, R&D, Scrum, Cassandra, Git, Gradle, Jenkins, CI/CD, Jira, Handlebars, CSS, HTML, Javascript, JQuery, NodeJS, AWS, GC, BigQuery

  • Software Engineer

    Trendyol Group•  April 2018 - June 2020

    Trendyol is Turkey's first Unicorn Company. I worked in the Marketplace team. My main responsibility was to apply needed features and bug fixes to our event-driven microservice architecture running on Kubernetes. I mainly used Java, Spring Boot, Docker, Maven, TDD, SOLID, Clean Code, Git, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Liquibase, Jenkins, and Gitlab. I also dealt with NodeJS, TypeScript, Bash, Sonarqube, New Relic, Prometheus, Grafana, Harbor, and Acceptance Tests. I built the event-driven GIB service. I fixed our CI/CD problems, migrated projects from Jenkins to Gitlab because of the issues we faced with Jenkins. I migrated applications between Kubernetes clusters when needed. I applied 12-factor app principles while developing apps. I got publications in the name of Trendyol Tech on Medium. I open-sourced the Trendyol Scheduler Service on Github. I presented “Keep Coupling Loose” at the weekly meetup.

  • Software Engineer•  July 2017 - April 2018

    N11 is Turkey's one of the biggest e-commerce platforms. I worked with the SEO team. Our SEO Manager and his co-worker SEO specialists investigated and detected the needed changes and I resolved how to apply those features technically. I used Java, Spring Framework, TDD, Maven, Git, and applied Design Patterns and SOLID and Clean Code principles. We worked in the Kanban style. We outstripped N11's long term competitor.

  • Full-Stack & Remote Engineer•  July 2017 - April 2018

    I continued to maintain and develop the remotely while working in The responsibilities remained the same. We worked in a weekly Scrum manner.

  • Full-Stack Engineer•  March 2016 - July 2017

    I built this startup from scratch. The application is constructed as a monolith Java Spring Framework app. At first, built in a single server instance then migrated to AWS with scalable and recoverable components. Also, I applied a web service to process images via ImageMagick lib. The service was constructed as a Spring Boot app and constructed inside AWS EBS. I was responsible for front end development (AngularJS), back-end development (Java, Spring, Git, Maven), dev-ops tasks (Bash, CentOS, Apache Httpd, Apache Tomcat, Network, DNS, Security, Backup Management). We worked in a weekly Scrum manner.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    Nokia Networks•  July 2014 - March 2016

    I worked with a team constructed in Turkey, the USA, and India. We maintained two different tools written one in Java and the other one in C#. The tools were accomplishing the same task that is to audit the parameters if configured correctly on network elements like MGW, BGW, etc.. I also developed and maintained the network element simulator which simulates any NE via the logs that our systems were generating. This tool was vital for the sake of detecting and fixing errors because most of the time, we were unable to connect and test the real NEs. Also, I presented the NE simulator in the conference ICCIT at Ankara Gazi University.

  • Software Engineer

    OBSS•  August 2013 - July 2014

    I was outsourced to Turkcell during the time of my work. We built the Turkcell Academy, the online education platform, with our development team constructed of developers, testers, one lead developer, one technical lead, and one PM. I was responsible for the education detail pages, developed the back-end components (Java, Spring, Maven, SVN) and front-end components (Javascript, HTML, CSS). The project was completed on time and demonstrated for the first time on-live, and the demonstration was successful. The project was essential for Turkcell.

  • Part-Time Software Engineer

    Onur Software•  February 2012 - July 2013

    I participated in the development of the project Kaarun. The project was aiming for users to shop over their interests. The interest data was being acquired from social accounts like Facebook and Twitter. I was responsible to match the interest data with product data. The product data was being crawled from online shopping sites. I mainly dealt with Bayesian Classification and used Apache Lucene and Java. I applied a system to cross-check the data to be able to match with each other. I also participated in the development of basic components like social plugin on the Javascript side.

  • Intern Software Engineer

    eteration•  July 2012 - August 2012

    I learned and applied the IBM BPM tool written in Eclipse, Java. The tool is provided to develop components graphically rather than writing code. I and my co-worker prepared a POC project that is about intern-system management. The project was gathering the data from interns and detecting the suitable internship time intervals for each candidate.


  • Dokuz Eylül University

    Computer Science & Engineering, BS•  August 2009 - July 2013

    Faculty of Engineering - Department of Computer Engineering - 100% English - Degree: 2nd


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