What's the best way to explore a city? Ditch the map and get completely lost.
Impromptu or planned, city breaks are great ways of experiencing the world. Booking.com is the global leader in connecting travelers with the widest choice of incredible places to stay, regardless of their budget or destination. However, this comes with solving problems on a massive scale.
Embark upon some of the biggest travel challenges like you would embark upon the cobble stoned alleyways of Barcelona: with gusto and passion. Your programming skills along with your creative thinking will be needed to apply algorithms, data structures, machine-learning, coding and data mining to build and create customer focused solutions the same way the Romans built and created the Colosseum.
There will be six system graded questions coded and scored on Hackerrank. Once completed, you will be eligible to win prizes. What is our grand prize you may ask? A trip to Amsterdam to participate in one of our monthly hackathons. In order to be eligible for that you need to answer an open-ended bonus question that will be graded by the Booking.com team.
Do you have what it takes to bring travel to the next level?