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Interviewstreet Filters Drchrono Applicant Avalanche, Saves 500 Developer Hours

Written By Shiv Deepak | August 14, 2013


“90% of our team was hired using the Interviewstreet challenges. We plan to use Interviewstreet for the lifetime of our company.”

– Daniel Kivatinos, Co-Founder & COO.
Just like everything else, medical records are moving online. Laptops have invaded the exam room to help doctors and practitioners document case details, write prescriptions and access patient information. But iPads are even more efficient and mobile, emerging as a favorite for medical professionals. Enter drchrono, a Y Combinator-backed startup that has developed a full-service app on a SaaS model for doctors.
Problem: drchrono’s Avalanche of Applicants
With Daniel Kivatinos—a software engineer—as co-founder and COO, drchrono has high standards for their programmers, with each subjected to careful evaluation. Combined with the publicity brought by Y Combinator and a prime location in the Bay Area, resources at drchrono were overwhelmed by the response to job postings.
Solution: Filtering for Top Talent by Interviewstreet Score
Interviewstreet streamlined the drchrono hiring process and eliminated the problem of resources spent on unqualified candidates. drchrono evaluates all applicants (even interns!) with an Interviewstreet programming challenge, and Kivatinos has access to the top performers via their Interviewstreet programming challenge score.

  • 1,736 candidates screened
  • 90% of team qualified by Interviewstreet
  • ~500 developer hours saved

Invite Innovation
Need ideas for sourcing for candidates? Think outside the (in)box like drchrono did when deploying their Interviewstreet challenges.

  1. Jobscore Posting: drchrono maximized the impact of their programming challenges by posting them to Jobscore, attracting 5,400 candidates in days.
  2. HackerRank Events: by partnering with Interviewstreet’s HackerRank community to host a CodeSprint, drchrono garnered ~600 applications in the course of hours. Host your own.