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Hiring Best Practices

5 Changes Developers Want to See in Your Interview Process

Written By Ryan Loftus | February 21, 2023

The processes companies use to hire developers have huge implications for their ability to build high performing teams. But what do developers think of employers’ hiring processes? And are they happy with the current state of affairs?

To answer these questions, we took to our community of developers on LinkedIn to get their opinions, and created an ebook highlighting the key takeaways. 

From interview prep and employer communication to the factors that influence their decision to accept an offer, the developers shared their thoughts on all things technical hiring. And, if we’re being honest, their answers surprised us.

75% of Developers Think Technical Interviews Are Broken

One of the most shocking findings of our survey was the generally negative sentiment developers have about the current state of technical interviews. One of the polls we conducted asked developers whether or not they thought that technical interviews are broken.

It turns out that the answer is yes, overwhelmingly so. Some 57% of respondents agreed that technical interviews are broken, and 18% strongly agreed. The reasons for this sentiment are many, and include irrelevant interview questions, inadequate time limits, and the use of outdated interview tech.

If you’re an employer, this statistic might scare you. For every four candidates you interview, three will be frustrated with your hiring process. This is an urgent problem, because developer dissatisfaction with technical interviews has a direct impact on hiring outcomes. 

Unhappy Developers Lead to Unaccepted Offers

In another poll we conducted, 34% of developers reported that the quality of interview questions impacted their decision to accept a job offer. And another 26% of developers identified candidate experience as the main factor influencing their decision to accept a job offer. 

Indeed, a developer’s experience during the hiring process has a real impact on their decision to accept a job offer. Fortunately, developers identified a number of changes they’d like to see in how the tech industry interviews.

Key Takeaways

Embrace Shorter Interviews

92% of developers think technical interviews should be one hour or less. Of that 92%, half think interviews should be one hour. The other half (46% of total) think interviews should only be 30 minutes.

That’s far shorter than current industry standards. But when more than nine in 10 developers agree on something, it’s worth listening. 

Embrace shorter interviews. Your candidates—and likely your interviewers—will appreciate it.

More Real-World Questions

When it comes to improving technical interviews, 65% of developers said they wanted more real-world questions.

While algorithmic-style challenges have been a staple of technical interviews for some time, there is growing frustration with this format among candidates. 

Consider posing real-world technical challenges instead. Not only will you better deliver on developer preferences, but you’ll also enable your hiring team to evaluate the skills a candidate actually needs on the job. 

But asking the right questions doesn’t just help your team identify candidates with the right skills. 34% of developers said the quality of interview questions impacts their decision to accept a job offer. 

A Future Driven by Real-World Skills

Developers aren’t happy with the current way the tech industry conducts coding interviews. However, their responses also indicated strategies that employers can use to build more effective and equitable hiring processes.

To learn more about these developer-sourced interviewing strategies, check out our ebook: 5 Changes Developers Want to See in Your Hiring Process.