Campus Hiring
Campus hiring is a popular way of recruiting freshers and has been fairly effective to get good talent into the company. Typically, around 3 developers and an HR visit a campus, spend almost 1.5 – 2 days for the entire process (pre-placement talks, written test, interviews, etc.). If the company visits 20-25 campuses a year, they are approximately spending 25 * 2 * 4 (campuses * no. of days * no. of people) = 200 days of combined effort (cumulative). That sounds like a lot of time and it is!
About Flipkart
Flipkart is India’s leading e-commerce platform and (proud to say!) have been our customer since the 2nd month of the launch of our product! An amazing company, they are looking for top-notch engineers to join their team and visit a lot of campuses in a year. Growing from a startup phase, the 200 days of cumulative effort is definitely a put off, lets see how we (Interviewstreet) helped them reduce the time.
How Interviewstreet helped them in campus recruitment and saved time
About Interviewstreet
Interviewstreet helps companies screen programmers using custom programming tests. We have built a codechecker that checks candidates’ code for correctness and optimality helping companies identify good programmers from the lot. This serves as a great way to screen candidates in the early stage.
We asked Flipkart for some data and here’s a typical scenario / schedule:
- Average students who attempt a test in campus: 150
- Time to evaluate a single paper: 7 min (best case!)
- Average no. of developers evaluating the paper: 3
Total time spent in manually evaluating papers (hrs): ( (150 * 7) / 3 ) /60 ~= 6 hrs
- Arrive at campus: 9am
- Pre-placement-talk: 9-10 am
- Written Test: 10-12 noon
- Lunch: 12-1300 hrs
- Evaluate written tests: 1300 – 1900 hrs
- Interviews all night and catch a flight next day 9am and arrive at work maybe in the noon and we all know how “productive” that day might be!
Typically 1.5-2 days goes off for every campus recruitment.
Here’s a diagrammatic representation of the original scenario and how it has changed using Interviewstreet
The entire written paper correction is eliminated. Not only is it a pain to manually evaluate papers but also terribly time consuming.
The modified schedule would look like
- Arrive at campus: 9am
- Pre-placement-talk: 9 – 10am
- Online test using Interviewstreet: 10 – 12 noon
- Results: Instant!
- Lunch: 12 – 1300 hrs
- Interviews start at 1300 hrs and take a flight back home the same night!
Flipkart saves almost a day for every campus they visit.
Effectively, Flipkart saves 70-100 (cumulative) days in campus hiring for every year!
Let us know if you would like to use our product [e-mail to: team AT interviewstreet DOT com] and we can get up and running in less than an hour!