Hiring Programmers 1-liner - HackerRank Blog
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Hiring Programmers 1-liner

Written By Guest Contributor | February 28, 2011

So what does it really take to get that dream job of a developer? Google for “Developer Job” and we find millions of sites giving out profound advise on how to go about practising, how to prepare a code-strong-resume,how to participate in coding contests and the list goes on…
It is said that a good developer can easily recognise another of his kind and this is the key companies use to filter out candidates who could be their future employees. Interviewers easily sense it when you are merely reproducing an already known best solution to a given problem no matter how well you go about the act of bringing-out-the-solution-on-spot.
The key here being , candidates who genuinely spend time and take intrest in solving the problem definitely have an edge in the interview.
We asked for a quick 1-liner from CTO’s of some of the top startups that developers love to work in. Here’s what they had to say..
Dharmesh ShahI look for evidence that the individual really enjoys writing code and releasing products. That means they’ve done it before, both professionally and as a hobby” – Dharmesh Shah, Hubspot
David HeinemeierWe never really care for resumes. We look for programmers who write great code with a great attitude” – David Heinemeier, 37signals
Pallav NadhaniAbility and integrity. Ability to look at and define the problem from various perspectives and integrity not to take shortcuts to provide the best known solution to the problem” – Pallav Nadhani, Fusion Charts
Hiten ShahSelf-motivated, dynamic individuals” – Hiten Shah, KissMetrics