annafedoseeva201 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Web Manager
Service Rd Corp• July 2023 - Present• Hartford Connecticut
Website Development: Redesign and continuously improve the website to enhance user experience and functionality. • Email Integration and Database Enhancement: Develop a website feature allowing users to submit their emails, effectively expanding the database and email lists by 60%. Improve communication strategies and streamline future marketing campaigns. • Database Management with Python: Use Python to organize and filter databases. Oversee and maintain databases to improve website functionality and enhance user experience. • Creative Design: Design visually appealing flyers and promotional materials using Adobe Suite for various events and activities. • Social Media Engagement: Develop and execute social media strategies to boost engagement and brand visibility. • Team Collaboration: Work closely with different teams to ensure digital strategies support the venue's goals.
CT State Community College
Software Engineering, AS• February 2023 - Present• GPA: 3.99