Weekly Challenges - Week 10

The contest has ended

Speed . Accuracy . Efficiency

Welcome to the Week 10 of our daily challenges!

The prizes for this weekly contest are sponsored by GMIC Bangalore. The top 5 contestants from India will receive Gold Passes and the other participants from India will receive complimentary Developer Passes. We will use the country mentioned in your HackerRank profile while sending away the prizes. Kindly update your country if have not done so already.

(1) Gold Passes have been sent to the top 5 Indian contestants by email.
(2) Other contestants can collect their Developer Passes for the conference by going to this link.

Contest Information
Each day you'll get to solve a challenge whose difficulty level increases as the week progresses!

To solve the final challenge, you're given an entire weekend .

There are 5 challenges in total!!

Tie-breaking rule is little different for this contest. For each challenge, we calculate your solved time, t

t = submit - open

where submit is the time you submitted the solution, and open is the time you opened the challenge. This way, you do not have to worry about solving the challenge as soon as it becomes available.

Read more about this contest here.

Note: Any illegal submission can be deleted from leaderboard without warning.


  • All the challenges will have a predetermined score. Score of a game is calculated using Bayesian Approximation
  • This contest will appeal to programmers who're interested in interesting algorithmic challenges, AI challenges and of course general programming
  • HackerRank admins decision will be final
  • Please refrain from discussing strategy during the contest.
  • Any case of code plagiarism will result in disqualification of both the users from the contest. We've a fairly good plagiarism detector that works at the opcode level.
  • You can code directly on our interface. We support 20 major languages. You can have a look at the environment in which we run your code